Superior Construction = Superior Results


A. Solid 2” x 10” SPF #2 Floor Joists, 16” On-Center

Reduces squeaks and adds structural rigidity to floor system.

B. Joist Hanger on Every Floor Joist

While the outside end of the floor joist rests on the sill plate of the foundation, the marriage-wall side of the floor joists is supported by steel joist hangers instead of only using common nails to support the joists.

C. Steel Joist Bridging

Prevents floor joists from moving laterally.

D. Double Solid 2” x 10” Perimeter Floor Joists

Ensures square and rigid construction.

E. Gable End Perpendicular Floor Blocking

Transmits the load of the foundation throughout the floor system.

F. 3/4” Inter-Locking OSB Floor Decking, Glued and Nailed, Then Sanded

Provides a stable floor for long-lasting value.

G. 2” x 6” Graded Exterior Wall Studs, 16” On-Center

Structurally-sound, allows for a well-insulated home for added comfort and efficiency.

H. Galvanized Steel Straps Tie Each Stud to the Floor

Provide a continuous upload path, keeping walls from pulling away from the floor during transportation and erection, and decreasing drywall defects.

I. R-21 Fiberglass Exterior Wall Insulation (R-27 available)

Helps ensure a well-insulated, comfortable home.

J. 7/16” OSB Exterior Wall Sheathing On Exterior Walls and Marriage Walls

On the exterior walls, OSB sheathing provides added security on the marriage walls. OSB sheathing provides crucial shear strength to keep the module straight during transportation and erection.

K. ½” Drywall, Screwed and Glued & Triple-Spackled

This process adds to the strength and lasting quality of the finish and is less likely to suffer nail pops as the home goes through heating and cooling cycles.

L. Full-Height Dormer Sidewall that Rests on the Truss Bottom-Chord

This exclusive Pleasant Valley structural design allows the gravity load of the dormer as well as the loads it must support to rest the strongest component of the truss--the bottom chord--instead of the weakest--the top chord.

M. 2” x 6” Solid Collar Tie at 8’2” Ceiling Height (12/12 Pitch)

Secures the truss and provides a stronger backer for ceiling drywall and mechanical components.

N. 12” Overhangs on Both Sides of Home and Doghouse Dormers

Prevents precipitation from running down the exterior walls, thereby lowering the chance for water leaks.

O. R-33 (R-38 - R-49 Available) Cellulose Ceiling Insulation

Compared to fiberglass insulation, cellulose insulation fills all the voids in the cavity resulting in fewer gaps in the insulation; further, cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper products and is environmentally friendly.

P. 12” Gable Overhang Soffit Blocking

Keeps unsupported gable end overhangs strong and straight.

Q. Integrated Steel C-Channel Ceiling Girder for Open Span

This Pleasant Valley innovation provides our designers with incredible flexibility because we can design and build open floor plans without the otherwise necessary load-bearing walls.

R. Simpson Hurricane Ties Secure Each Truss to Wall Studs Below

These hurricane straps secure the roof trusses up to a 120-MPH wind exposure--the strictest requirement in the northeast--so that when the next Gulf Coast hurricane travels inland you don’t need to worry.

S. TYVEK House Wrap

Provides a barrier against wind and water that penetrates the exterior facade for added comfort.

T. Engineered Roof Trusses, 16” On-Center

Our roof systems are among the strongest roofs in the industry. They are all built to an industry-leading 100-pound ground snow load and fastened to a 120-MPH wind exposure.

U. Urethane Expanding Foam Seal Secures Drywall to Trusses without Fasteners

The urethane foam seal we use to secure the ceiling drywall to the trusses above the drywall expands as it cures filling in all the voids to create exceptional strength.

V. All Wall Top-Plates Inter-Connected with Steel Plates

Results in stronger, straighter, and more durable interior and exterior walls.

W. Second Floor of All Capes Designed to a 40-Pound Live Load

All capes feature a 40-pound live floor load on the second floor (as compared to the typical 30-pound load), giving our homebuyers complete flexibility for future finishing.

X. Exterior Wall & Ceiling Anti-Air-Infiltration Weather Stripping

Provides an air-tight seal between the top of the floor and the bottom of the walls and between the top of the walls and the bottom of the roof trusses.

Y. Solid 2” x 6” Fascia Board

Provides greater strength and stability when fastening gutters.